Poor performance of pupils of Pakistani heritage

Laughing policeman and Education Commissioner Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM wrote this strange comment without going into detail:

On 19 July 2013 an internal e-mail from a senior officer to councillors and other senior officers said that there were: ‘growing concerns amongst head teachers that some governing bodies of schools with large numbers of pupils from an Islamic background, or at least groups of influential governors within governing bodies, were putting unreasonable pressure on head teachers to raise standards and/or address other issues of concern.

Ian Kershaw and Eversheds wrote these strange comments without going into detail:

The evidence drawn out of the investigation suggests that some people take the view that there are schools in East Birmingham that are failing...

It appears that there is a genuine and understandable desire amongst these groups to improve education and opportunities...

So what's the reality?

Collegiate results for 2003-2008

2014 KS2 Primary school results

2014 KS4 Secondary school results