Strong year-on-year performance to warrant pay progression

In respect to Moseley School, Laughing Policeman and Education Commissioner Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM gave veracity to the Trojan Hoax document by this surreal statement in his report:

It is worth noting that, despite the school's results, the headteacher's year-on-year performance had been deemed strong enough at the end of-year performance review to warrant pay progression.

Strong year-on-year performance to warrant pay progression

In respect to Moseley School, Laughing Policeman and Education Commissioner Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM gave veracity to the Trojan Hoax document by this surreal statement in his report:

It is worth noting that, despite the school's results, the headteacher's year-on-year performance had been deemed strong enough at the end of-year performance review to warrant pay progression.

Perhaps Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM was bowled over by the Moseley Model to transform learning which set a target of 50% of pupils passing five GCSE subjects at grades A*-C including English and Maths and a Contextual Value Added (CVA) of at least 1005 by 2017. Yes 1005! In 2004 Thelma Probert OBE - the former head of Golden Hillock School - retired with a risible 24% of pupils passing five GCSE subjects at grades A*-C including English and Maths but an impressive CVA of 1027.6. Unfortunately, pupils secure credible university courses and well paid employment based on the number of GCSE subjects they pass, the grades at which the pass them at and whether they are literate and numerate and not on Contextual Value Added.

Between 2002 and 2008 Moseley School was the lead partner in a group of schools called the Central Collegiate with a view to sharing best practice (that was the theory / cunning plan anyway). The tables below show Moseley School's performance between 2003 and 2008 in comparison with its Central Collegiate partners. If anyone can find evidence of strong performance between 2003 and 2008, please e-mail as a matter of urgency.

Analysis of strong year-on-year performance to warrant pay progression

The tables above can be downloaded as a one-page PDF document here.

In terms of attainment and Contextual Value Added (CVA i.e. comparing with schools nationally with similar demographics), Moseley was performing well below the national average and below other schools in a network of local inner city schools called the Collegiate such as Bordesley Green, Small Heath, Yardleys, etc. Moseley School was in the bottom 20% nationally for CVA. For a school that specialised in languages as a Language College, it was ironic that some of the other schools in the Central Collegiate performed better in languages and out of all the subjects, performance in English and foreign languages was by far the worst at Moseley School. It does not take a genius to recognise that there was something seriously wrong at Moseley School. Other inner city schools in more deprived areas of Birmingham were performing better than Moseley. It was not a case that children could not achieve, but problems inside the school with the quality of leadership and teaching and learning.

The following document gives some idea of Moseley School's performance in 2008 in comparison with other Birmingham schools. It is an interesting document because it also highlights the pass rate in Modern Foreign Languages (MFL). When Ofsted visited the school seven months after the departure of the headteacher, it said: "in 2008, the proportion of five or more GCSE passes including English and mathematics was significantly below the national average...standards in the school's languages specialism remain low other than in some subjects marking remain perfunctory."

Where is the evidence of strong end-of-year performance that Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM is talking about? Can Peter Clarke find any credible head teacher, Ofsted Inspector, school / education expert or Secretary of State for Education, past or present, who will agree with his assertion of strong end-of-year performance?

Was it in Peter Clarke's remit to comment on the headteacher's year-on-year performance? Absolutely not but he has chosen to do so for a specific reason and that is to give credence to the Trojan Horse / Hoax document that contains a number of significant factual errors.

Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM talks about Performance Management at Golden Hillock school but says nothing about it at Moseley, particularly in light of poor performance at Moseley School. The question to ask is which member of the 'Moseleians Association Brotherhood' (MAB) was performance managing the headteacher at Moseley School and why? Had a thorough and open-minded investigation taken place instead of one with a predetermined outcome then this line of enquiry would have been pursued to it logical conclusion. Perhaps it has but it does not support the Trojan Horse / Hoax narrative.