Inderpal Lotay the Builder - Can he fix Moseley School? No he can't!

When the Moseley School Governing Body was disbanded in 2010 following a breakdown in relationship with the then Interim Head Teacher Tim Boyes - who saw himself as some kind of permanent Head of an anonymous amalgamation / Hard Federation between Moseley School and Queensbridge School (patently false) -  all the Governors were removed with the exception of Thelma Probert OBE, James Brown the Advanced Schools Teacher (AST) and Inderpal Lotay the Builder.

Did Birmingham City Council appoint Inderpal Lotay as a Governor of the Moseley School Interim Executive Board (IEB) because:

  • He can fix Moseley School?
  • He is a parent of a child at the school?
  • He understands RaiseOnLine, APS, CVA, KS4 or the significant drawbacks of the school's specialist language status better than any parent or other member of the local community?
  • He knows the community that the school serves better than the parents and community themselves?
Is Inderpal Lotay the Builder's interest in Moseley School solely and strictly confined to the academic success of the children at the school, raising standards and the quality and teaching and learning at the school?