James Brown the Advanced Schools Teacher

When the Moseley School Governing Body was disbanded in 2010 following a breakdown in relationship with the then Interim Head Teacher Tim Boyes - who saw himself as some kind of permanent Head of an anonymous amalgamation / Hard Federation between Moseley School and Queensbridge School (patently false) -  all the Governors were removed with the exception of Thelma Probert OBE, James Brown the Advanced Schools Teacher (AST) and Inderpal Lotay the Builder.

Did Birmingham City Council appoint James Brown as a Governor of the Moseley School Interim Executive Board (IEB) because:

  • He is an Advanced Schools Teacher (AST) whose teaching is so outstanding that even the Chief Inspector of Schools in England and Head of Ofsted, Sir Michael Wilshaw would be impressed and mention James Brown in dispatches?

There's an unconfirmed report that Moseley School underperformed significantly in 2013 because of poor results in the English Language department. Apparently pupils studied the wrong text. Instead of reading 'An Inspector Calls' by J B Priestly, pupils read 'An Ofsted Inspector Calls' by J(ames) B(rown) Priestly, an everyday story about how everybody / everyone* including pupils, parents, community and their socio-economic-cultural background but not the Local Authority and School Leadership were to blame for historical low attainment at a large inner city school despite the best efforts of Advanced School Teachers. The good news is that the novel has a happy ending. Inspector Wilshaw recommends Academy Status for the struggling inner city school.

*Head of English to clarify.